Weekend of Blood, part II
#26August 14, 2005ChimairaSix Feet UnderAll That Remains3 Inches of BloodThe Recher Theatre, Towson MD
Photos!!!Mmmm, oh baby....OK, I think I'm OK now...or possibly
notDue to yesterday's traffic nightmare and the fact that I really had nothing else to do all day, I headed up to Towson early and explored their giant air-conditioned mall for a couple hours. I got some nice booty jeans and a cute top that's kind of pirate-wench looking. I also had an excellent cheeseburger at the Rec Room next door to the Recher and chatted with a couple of PA people who had come down for the show (we were all there for different bands).
So anyway,
3 Inches of Blood are fuckin awesome. I was right up front and took over 100 photos (quite a few are
stalker-wall-worthy). Their new drummer is amazing too AND he's got
neck tattoos. I'm not sure how I managed to keep myself together...beards, a
cute redhead, neck tattoos, they're
foreign...mmmm. Oh yeah, they played for a decent amount of time, even though they were the first of four bands. Included of course were my two favorites 'Premonition of Pain' and 'Wykydtron' and even 'Ride Darkhorse Ride' from
Battlecry Under a Winter Sun. Oh and 'Crazy Nights' which was also awesome because I love that song too. OK I love all their songs, so what?
All That Remains were pretty much the same as
last time. Oli is an awesome guitarist and what's-his-name looks good shirtless. That one other one is cute too. It was funny watching him check out some chick when he was sitting at the merch table - ah, booty shorts...
Six Feet Under...not my thing, so I decline to comment. They were cool to their fans though - taking pictures with people and stuff.
My second viewing of
Chimaira and I think I was just about as tired of standing as the first time. They really put on a great show though, playing old old stuff, in-between stuff, and brand new songs. The entire set must have been over an hour. Those fog/smoke machine things really bother my eyes and lungs though. Ugh. They were also super-nice to the fans.
After chatting with
Justin at the merch table and going to 7-11 with Jamie, Shane, and Brian, I finally found Cam to give him the '
Real Men Hit the High Notes' shirt that I made for him. I did not follow through on my threat to kidnap one of them and take him back to my basement lair, though. I was trying to figure out when I became THAT GIRL that hangs around even though I'm not like an FOB or anything (I'm still not one of
THOSE GIRLS, though, thank god). I blame
I forgot to ask any of 3IoB
THE QUESTION and I forgot all about the pirate pick-up lines too. And I had a good steel-cage match question and I forgot about that too. I get all
distracted by their hotness, dammit. Nothing can ever cure my thirst except for more 3IoB.
Random Stuff:
-Don't forget about
Talk Like a Pirate Day (we plan to do it all day at work)