Hello new beardo! Haste the Day 8 7 05

August 7 2005
Haste the Day
Stretch Arm Strong
Still Remains
Photo album
So I wanted to check out Still Remains and find out what they're all about (JC) and get the dirt on 3 Inches of Blood (they're 'sweet guys'), so I finally forced myself to get dressed and drive to Baltimore by 8:30 pm (since I can never seem to get there for the opening band anyway). Also, as you may have noticed, I finally figured out how to use the black & white setting on my camera. The b&w shots all look great too. I think b&w is better because it gets rid of the contrast with the colored stage lights.
Still Remains - I finally got confirmation that they toured last summer with Across Five Aprils, so this was my third viewing. They seem to look different every time...maybe it was just the humidity or something. I don't know. They rock though and I bumped them up a couple tenths this time.
Stretch Arm Strong are old skool style hardcore from South Carolina. They put on a very energetic set and are a fun band. Plus the singer is hott.
Haste the Day are from Indianapolis and are another one of these newfangled Christian metal(core) bands. How come when I was all keen on Jesus and went to concerts with my church youth group all we ever saw was Michael W. Smith and Carman? And there weren't any hot guys either. Whatever. All I can say about Haste the Day is that they blew me away. Rock! Full-body headbanging. Crazy metal riffs. A cute bearded guy. Awesome. I will definitely check them out in the future.
I was talking to the bouncers at the door about feeling old and one of them said that Coheed is 'radio rock' - have they really sunk that low and I just didn't notice? Ew.
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