Yes, it was hard and some of the questions could have been trick questions (though I honestly didn't intend them to be). Here are the answers, links, and text:
1 Who was the first person to 'show me [his] neck tattoo'? [as a result of my shirt]
Matt from Most Precious Blood (he has birds on his neck - yes, I think they're swallows)
2 Who was the first 'victim' of Murrain of Swains ridiculous bass player interview tactic?
Bill from Verbal
And now it's time for a new segment I like to call "Several Questions with the Bass Player" - so here is the gist of my interview with Bill from Verbal.
3 What (or who) does every band need? [looking for one specific thing that I wrote about: "every band needs a ______ "]
OK this one was pretty tough, and could really be just about anything, plus I edited this entry a couple times since I first wrote it. Here's the quote:
I think every band needs a friend to play in a kiddie pool filled with chocolate pudding or start a mosh pit.
4 With whom did I dream of shopping for taco salad ingredients?
DMR actually guessed Claudio (and I did once dream of car shopping with Claudio) but here's the correct answer:
Extra special bonus round question for Joe S of 3 - what kind of tortillas are your favorite (wholewheat, those red or green ones, etc.)?
Joe: green
{MoS: if you must know the reasoning here, I had a dream about shopping for taco salad ingredients with JS...deeper meaning? WTF? TMI?}
5 Who inspired the ultimate creation of my stalker wall? [he was the first person on it - not Abe Lincoln]
Brandon from Fear Before the March of Flames. That pic is still up - he's just so cute!
Joe: green
{MoS: if you must know the reasoning here, I had a dream about shopping for taco salad ingredients with JS...deeper meaning? WTF? TMI?}
5 Who inspired the ultimate creation of my stalker wall? [he was the first person on it - not Abe Lincoln]
Brandon from Fear Before the March of Flames. That pic is still up - he's just so cute!
Brandon is indeed cuter than I had remembered...I think he must be quite the ladies man. I may have to actually start the 'stalker wall' to which I keep referring.
6 Who received a review score of 2/5 for 'massive use of hair product'?
7 What was the first 'thing I thought I would never do twice' that I did twice this year?
It was see Def Leppard - I saw them in ATL and at Live 8 in Philly
8 Who was homecoming king in high school?
Marc from Bear vs Shark
-Rolling a 20-sided die to see if Nickelback is Derek's Rift's character's favorite band (intentional shout-out? )
-some girl with a pierced upper arm (WTF?)
-Hot&Spicy Cheez-Its
-big ups to Ms. E and Mr. S
-Marc was homecoming king?
-Rolling a 20-sided die to see if Nickelback is Derek's Rift's character's favorite band (intentional shout-out? )
-some girl with a pierced upper arm (WTF?)
-Hot&Spicy Cheez-Its
-big ups to Ms. E and Mr. S
-Marc was homecoming king?

Peter from The Haunted has a bunch of band names on his pants - one of which is his own band's. [Some other bands do this too, but I thought this was the weirdest example]
10 What is probably in my bloodstream right now? (inorganic, legal substances, people)
This one was hard and could have multiple interpretations, but this is what I was looking for:
Overall, awesome show. I think I need to cut back on the glitter products for a while though. I've been wearing Urban Decay Heavy Metal eyeliners all week and last night I got a big snarf of my shimmery coconut spray by accident when I was getting dressed. I've probably got glitter in my bloodstream at this point.
DMR even made an attempt at the bonus round:
Super happy fun bonus internet scavenger hunt type question which would result in a super happy fun bonus prize if answered correctly (hint: links to what you need to read are on the blog already): Name one way that both those in the hardcore scene and emo scene gain cred/points [I'm looking for one specific thing that's sort-of blog related...]
DMR said:
Make fun of other people on your blog through something like
"fashion victim of the week" like they do on the "how to dress hardcore
I will accept this answer. What I was really getting at was making up band names to raise your street cred (hardcore) or give youself emo scene points
Thanks for playing!
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