Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Review: Darkest Hour 7/11/2005

July 11, 2005
Bleeding Through
Darkest Hour
Misery Signals
The Ottobar

I made the Monday slog to Bawlmor just for sumpin to do...very little traffic on the way up (therefore of course I95 south was blocked by 4 police cruisers on the way home for 20 minutes or so). I've seen all these bands before and I really only like Darkest Hour, even though I couldn't tell you the difference between them and the other bands (except they're from DC so I have to support my home crew). Clearly, Darkest Hour is the best name of the lot [I'm including the mysteriously named 'Fight Paris' whom I missed but a bunch of kids were making fun of: 'Shut up!' 'Why don't you go Fight Paris?' 'Why don't you?']

It was so hot in the Ottobar that my brain ceased to function after about an hour or so and I left after just two Bleeding Through songs because they were not as good looking as I had previously thought, neck tattoos aside (their keyboard chick rawks though - she headbangs while she's actually playing the keyboard of all things).

I spend so much time at work rolling my eyes and trying to ignite my evil cubicle neighbor with dirty looks that I didn't even have the energy to roll my eyes at stupid annoying kids and stupid scenesters (I actually think those two guys were from DC because I don't remember seeing any Charm City men in $100 jeans before - well, not at a metal show anyway - plus they're totally the DC scenester type). I should have at least picked up a stars and bars shirt...but again - brain melt.

Darkest Hour: 4.447/5
other bands (collective): 3.6294/5
stupid annoying kids who make fun of everything (why did you spend money on this?): -5
idiotic scenesters: 2/5 for their massive use of hair 'product'

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