Monday, June 13, 2005

I burn for Coheed: Atlanta Music Midtown 2005 wrap-up

June 10 - 12, 2005
12th Annual Music Midtown festival
Atlanta, GA

Huge thanks to Ms. dW for taking this crazy trip, letting me use her camera, and putting up with all my crap!

-flight was fine, got lost walking the one block from MARTA to the hotel (don't even ask)
-Interpol - pretty cool, very mellow, trippy rock. All songs the same
-White Stripes - I'm not a huge fan of theirs, but they put on a great show. 1.5 hour set included the song about Wichita and that one I hate about buttons. It's really amazing that there are only two of them (unless those potted plants were the rest of the band)

-did some shopping at the gigantic Lennox Square mall (I bought a huge dragonfly necklace, some sandals, and a bunch of stuff at Sephora)
-heavy rains, due to tropical storm Arlene, made us almost just stay in the hotel eating Pizza Hut's new Dippin' Strips and watching Secretary (what a weird movie...), but we did manage to limp our way to MARTA and through the Music Midtown lot for Black Eyed Peas
-missed Keane and The Killers, but I heard the sound was terrible for them anyway
-We ran into Josh "Keg Party" Eppard and Claudio "No Dirt" Sanchez, which totally made all the walking in the rain worth it for me (at least up to that point)
-Watching BEP there were some hott Marines and several other sexy buff men (the guy with the 'fro was probably the second hottest guy I have ever seen...and he only loses points because he wasn't wearing a towel...)

-the wonderful Mrs. McG took us to Agnes and Muriel's for a very tasty brunch. A&M's is a kitchy retro place that serves homestyle southern cooking. We both had bacon-y items and red velvet cake, which was excellent (comparable to Magnolia Bakery, but the frosting was better)
-we also did some high class shopping - Tiffany's, Manolo, etc. Next time I will get the dragonfly bracelet at Tiffany's (i.e. the next time I have $9,750 to spend on a bracelet; i.e. never).
-got to MM in time to get up front for the Coheed set (not that there was much clamoring, sadly); set list included two new songs, Favor House, Blood Red Summer, IKSSE, Devil in Jersey City (Scion Ara's theme song) and Three Evils (my theme song/MoS tagline). Even though it was only 45 minutes it was awesome and this time (the 19th) I actually have photographic evidence (thanks to dW's camera). There was some teeth-guitar interaction, behind-the-head guitar action, and what I would dub my fantasy homoerotic guitar solo. HoYay!
-I introduced myself to the new Co&Ca guitar tech (Johnny?) - very cute and nice, going on the whole summer tour
-I waited in the stupid sun some more for the Coheed promo line and talked to some nice local kids and a dude from LA. I gave Josh a MoS business card. Hopefully he'll come check this out...
-and then, finally DEF LEPPARD. Man, they rock but some of their songs are just so dumb...who keeps sugar in a bottle?...they did play 'Rock of Ages' though, so I was supremely happy (and I got a retro-Leppard shirt that I can now wear non-ironically to metal shows)
-we also checked out Devo. They are older and fatter, but still wear the red hats and yellow haz-mat suits. We are Devo! The festival pole with the red devo hat was the best one I saw (too bad I didn't get around to making one with a Claudio-fro on it, because that would have kicked serious ass)
-on the way out we caught a couple Kid Rock songs at what appeared to be some kind of biker party in the mud. I only really like the song where he talks about how he's Kid Rock and he does something with the rock...actually that might be most of his songs. I don't like that truck commercial one though. He's got a huge stage set up with pyro and four exotic dancers with poles and all kinds of stuff going on. No potted plants though...

Random Crap:
-too much walking on my already blistered feet; too much sunburn (not as bad as last April though)
-we drove by Tattletale's strip club (made famous by Motley Crue's 'Girls, Girls, Girls')
-Ms. dW and I both smell and taste like coconut now (but not like cupcakes...yet)
- here's a stupid radio station interview with Coheed

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Music Midtown rules! Even though we were either scorched or soaked the entire time. In addition to the rain, I even got my sneakers wet with beer from Josh "Keg Party" Eppard. That's what you call rock and roll.

The White Stripes, Black-Eyed Peas and Joan Jett (my lez fantasy, if I were gay) were my favorites. All in all a great weekend.