Tuesday, May 30, 2006
schvitz known as Jaxx
So I didn't know this show had no local openers, plus I had to go walk the dog first, so I missed The Absence and Graveworm. I also didn't know that it was going to be 100 degrees inside Jaxx, although I was dressed for the outdoor weather [usually Jaxx is so cold that I will bring a hoodie even if it's hot outside but Tuesday was the hottest day so far this year].
Anyway. Live, /speed\kill/hate\ consists of some Obituary guys, the bass player from Prong, and a drummer that filled in with 6 hours of notice for the tour. I thought it was good. Sort-of Motorheadesque, but not so much that I thought it was actually Motorhead. Their singer has funnier between-song commentary than most (buy some merch so he can get something to eat! - dude is skinny, seriously).
OK, so Destruction is now my new favorite German thrash band evah! Fucking amazing. I was too caught up to take any pictures, but there are some on their site. They said they're coming back next spring to headline in the US because "45 minutes is not enough!" Damn straight. They don't need to be funny.
I thought maybe if things don't work out with 3IoB,

It was so hot in Jaxx and approaching midnight and the Vader roadcrew were getting really particular about the sound setup and I didn't have dinner so I was getting kinda antsy waiting for Vader. Obviously, being a Polish princess, I must to wait for them and represent for my people and pretend like the heat didn't bother me. When they finally hit the stage it was just brutal. I would describe their set in one word thusly: sick.
And there you have it, the final show of a very metal May, halfway to my yearly showgoing total
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