Sunday, September 14, 2008

Review: New Rock Church of Fire 09.12.2008

Friday, September 12, 2008
New Rock Church of Fire
Mas y Mas
Rock & Roll Hotel

We missed much of Caverns while eating the beer board and then trying to figure out our bill at the Argonaut. I'm sure we'll catch them again soon since we all love instrumental rock so much.

Mas y Mas - uh, I'm not sure how I feel about them. It was sort of OK, I guess. Possibly I don't get it or possibly the molester-mustachioed guitarist, standing drummer, and extremely-tight-cut-offs-wearing bass player were just too much for me after eating a bunch of cheese and beer. I don't know.

New Rock Church of Fire I have heard of due to their extensive sticker graffiti near my office (does one of them work in Rosslyn?) and the fact that they're a DCist Three Stars band. I really liked them, and not just for their sexy mustaches (yes, I have been watching Magnum PI on regular basis lately). It's probably the Iron Maiden influences. Anyway, they have a smoking dragon piƱata that could give our office camelcorn a run for her money. Unfortunately, there's no air circulation in the R&R Hotel show space so the extensive use of theatrical haze forced us to leave before they were finished. Not a bad show for $10.

And I forgot this little piece before - two guys doing windmills does not a moshpit make. Please read up on the subject.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have a very heightened sense of awareness.