Saturday, September 20, 2008

Review: HORSE the band 09.18.2008

Thursday, September 18, 2008
HORSE the band
Heavy Heavy Low Low
Rock & Roll Hotel

So when I was getting ready to leave, I was still trying to decide between going to Motorhead in Baltimore or seeing HORSE across town and one of my favorite Simpsons episodes came on. I actually don't know if this was a sign that I should check out new bands or see some old dinosaur band, but I finally decided on HORSE after I calculated that seeing Motorhead would cost me another $40 (w/gas and parking) and HORSE was only going to cost me $14 plus whatever tip I decided to leave in support of Nathan's mustache.

Heavy Heavy Low Low pretty much describes them. I have been in the mood for screaming all week so I was not disappointed.

There were actually quite a few people at this show - more than Witchcraft - so it was pretty hot inside. By the time HORSE was finished it was quite steamy indeed. They did mostly newer songs - no Bunnies - but at least included Cutsman at the end. Since this is the "Art Tour" HORSE is selling "art" by one J. Nathan Winnike which I cannot adequately explain in words. I will only mention that I didn't buy any because I didn't want to explain later that I am not, in fact, a huge pervert (although I did find it kind of funny because I have the same sense of humor as most 13 year old boys). After the show I went to the Palace of Wonders with HORSE and saw the unicorn. Much more fun than not being able to see anything at the Rams Head and then having to drive back from Baltimore.

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