Monday, June 09, 2008

Review: Assrockers 6.6.08

Friday, June 6, 2008
the Red & the Black

I had wanted to see the Assrockers for some time, based on their name alone. They hadn't been playing out for a while, so when I saw an interview on DCist I figured it was time to get on the ass-wagon. The upstairs show space at R&B is super-small so it was totally packed for Assrockers. We got there a little after it started and were definitely entertained. I will probably check them out again in the future.
Then, for some mysterious reason, almost everyone left before RPG started. Which is a pretty assy thing to do. It's also too bad, because RPG was really good. Made up of some all-stars from the Richmond music scene, they play kind-of bluesy southern rock. And there are beards. And the singer has purty hair. And they have a song about alcohol (which fortunately has nothing to do with alcohaulin ass). I would definitely check them out again. [BTW I think that was Randy from Lamb of God. I used to see the Adler bros. all the time at Jaxx but I only saw him on stage before.]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Alcohaulin' Ass!!! The word "alcohaulin'" is positively ingenious (I can't think of any other examples at the moment - you know I love silly band names/lyrics) but PLEASE someone tell me what it means!!!

Before we actually saw Hell Yeah, I recall thinking that it was lazily haulin' in a piece of ass (like fishin') by drinkin' at the bar --- you know, boozin', i.e. alcoholin' but now I'm not so sure...