Monday, June 16, 2008

Review: The Bakerton Group 06.13.2008

Friday, June 13, 2008
The Bakerton Group
Benefit show for Callum Robbins
Black Cat

One of my coworkers had referred me to Caverns, due to my love of instrumental rock. Good call - it's an interesting mix of fairly heavy guitar and drums with a classical sounding piano and some other electronic sounds. We were able to sit for most of this show because there was no one around for some reason, but I think they still could use a light-show or something. Not that it wasn't interesting, but with the instrumental rock you gotta do something else to keep people's interest, otherwise you're just background noise.
Of course The Bakerton Group held my interest, but for an entirely different reason. It's basically just Clutch without the vocals and they played quite a few older songs that Clutch doesn't usually do live anymore. I was playing a "match the woman to the Bakerton Group member" trying to figure out which woman next to the stage was with each of the dudes. I don't know if my guesses were right. Still have much hate for the Black Cat (don't tell me to shut up, bitch-face bar tender!).
P.S. Parking was ample (for me at least)

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