Monday, August 27, 2007

What happened to Andrew W.K.?

Ms. dW and I went to the 1st anniversary party for the Rock & Roll Hotel on Saturday. After briefly flirting with the door guy who wears the gauntlets and drinking a few $2 cans of PBR, we checked out DC's The Whips on the first floor. I'd seen them before and I thought they were pretty good.
Initially we weren't sure if Andrew W.K. was performing or just hosting the party (he introduced the bands and such) but it turned out he was scheduled to perform from 12:30 - 2:30. I wasn't really sure what was going on since he didn't have a band....I told Ms. dW it was like Bat Mitzvah AWK - pretty soon he'd be announcing the horah or something. Seriously, it was just him shouting over a backing track and intermittently playing the keyboard or headbanging. He did 'Party Til You Puke' and we didn't even recognize the song until the chorus. Basically we left after about 4 songs in order to preserve our mental image of the AWK we knew and loved from such performances such as several years ago at 9:30 Club. Maybe we should have had more PBR...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What happened to his live band? i cant find anywhere that explains it!!