Wednesday January 24 2007
Cradle of Filth69 Eyes3 Inches of BloodTrocaderoPHOTOS!!!Boy, it's
been a while since I've been to Philly. Interestingly, I brought
snickerdoodles that time too.
So I got there pretty early since I knew
3IoB was going to be the opening opener. I waited in the line outside (which I never do, so you know it was a serious situation) from about 6:30 until the doors finally opened and I actually got inside.

As vaguely promised, I was left a photo pass, even though Jamie apparently does not know my last name. Although I was only allowed to take photos during the first 3 songs and with a total lack of lighting, I didn't get many good shots. Longer songs would have been helpful in this situation. I do like this photo of Cam headbanging where it looks like his tongue is sticking out. And I got a
great shot of Nick, who always looks like he's having the best time on stage. And one very cute one of
Alexei, who is, uh, cute...and stuff. Or whatever.
69 Eyes.

I should have figured what this was going to be like based on their fans in the front. Imagine if
Avenged Sevenfold was from Finland and ripped off
Billy Idol and
HIM... I could only take one and a half songs before I escaped to try and find friend
of a friend of a friend in the upstairs bar. Surprisingly I did find Mr. R and had a nice chat about various shows and cities and the awfulness of 69 Eyes.
Although this show didn't sell out, it was pretty packed. One of the bouncers said that it took over an hour just to clear the people who were lined up before doors opened. This was my first time seeing
Cradle of Filth and it was a good show. I recognized a lot of songs, in spite of the fact that I'm not actually familiar with their music at all. Of course, I do enjoy some good screeching vocals.

I'm not as excited by dudes in makeup - speaking of whom, the one guitarist looks like Herman Munster. Overall they played for probably an hour and a half - old and new songs. The spoken-word parts reminded me of a taped reading of '
The Fall of the House of Usher' we used to listen to in school. Weird. Also weird -
CoF has a myspace. Oh, and here's the link to the
spin.com article that the real photogs were shoot for.
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