January 15, 2006
Camper van Beethoven
Trampled by Turtles
8x10 Club
Hmmm...this show broke up my long weekend of sleeping and watching tv (did you see the 24 premiere? OMG!). After the Steelers won (woo-hoo!) Ms. dW and I headed up to Charm City for dinner and a show (meeting up with Mr. A and Ms. J - who scored us a primo parking spot at the door). After some tasty sushi, we headed over to the 8x10 Club adequately prepared to rock.
Up first, Minnesota's own Trampled by Turtles. I had no idea what they were going to be like, but it was some rockin' bluegrass and they played quite a long set. The lady next to us in the balcony was really excited about them. I think she beat me to chatting up the bearded banjo player. Oh well, I'm still trying to work out a schtick for this year. Banjo groupie is now firmly on the list, though.
Before Camper came on, we had time for 3 Ridiculous Questions with the Audience, as follows:
PH: Who would win in a steel-cage match among the members of Camper van Beethoven?
A: Greg seems bulkiest...
J: I think Jonathan has a mean streak though.
dW: The violinist - they're scrappier than you'd think.
PH: What is the most under-utilized bluegrass instrument (and don't be afraid to say the jug)?
A: Saw.
J: Yes, the saw and the washboard.
dW: Definitely the washboard and the washtub.
[my mind wanders to the Coheed 'video' they made where they're pretending to be a jug band...]
PH: Do you think Camper sold out when they allowed their music to be used in one of those annoying 'isn't smoking just as disgusting' commercials?
A: They probably had no control over it.
dW: No! I'm an even bigger fan because of that.
Finally, the crowd started to swell and Camper took the stage. I would say they're all in fine form and would estimate that their current shows are not that much different from those they played 20 years ago (though there might be less pogo-ing in the audience). I tried to keep track of the set list, but since I don't know any of the songs off of 'Tusk' or 'New Roman Times' and I can only readily identify three of the instrumental songs, I only did a moderately good job at this. At any rate, they played at least 25 songs including Flowers, Tania, Mao Reminisces about his days in southern China (why didn't I wear one of my Mao buttons?), my favorite - All Her Favorite Fruit (I didn't get those mashed potatoes I was hankering for yet either...), their cover of The Clash's White Riot (which Death Metal Roze has on a compilation that I need), Wasted, Take the Skinheads Bowling, Border Ska (hah! that's one I just remembered the name of), The Day that Lassie went to the Moon, Club Med Sucks, L'aguardiente, and Pictures of Matchstick Men. I got the impression that some members of the audience don't get out much [I'm remembering you obnoxious hooting guy]. I didn't manage to pick up any merch but we briefly considered buying a CVB onesie for BB and demanding that he give us some grandchildren already, dammit! (I'm still in sort-of money saving mode - hey, it lasted longer than one week this year, I'm trying anyway).
After the show dW and I hit the 7-11 in search of sugar and caffeine to keep us awake on the drive home. We scored some of that new Black Cherry Vanilla Coke, which is quite tasty. I also bought a coconut frosted Tastykake, which although far inferior to the Tastykake Snowball, would have to do for a Sunday night in Baltimore.
Once David came out and I saw that he was down to his original Camper-era skinniness, I am even more certain that Greg would beat him into The Land of Wind and Ghosts.
I'm going to quit my job and follow Camper on tour. Oops, the tour just ended. Guess I'll have to grab a violin and stage dive with some other band.
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