#52 (!)
December 18, 2005
Galaxy Hut
I think I might have missed the first song or so (having returned from spending all day hawking jewelery with Ms. dW at the Ottobar flea market). Not many of the Verbal superfans were in attendance, but it was a good crowd for a Sunday night (w/$5 cover). Seemed like it was a pretty short set, but it did include some new songs which I hadn't heard before. Galaxy Hut still has Turbodog, so it's awesome.
And here's my final '3 Ridiculous Questions' for the year with Bill from Verbal:
PH: Since it seems we were both wrong about the Nationals....do you think the Redskins will make the playoffs?
BfV: I think they'll make the wildcard, but only because I'm going to the game on Saturday.
PH: Who will be stuntcast as "B.A." Baracus in the big-screen version of 'The A-Team'?
BfV: I would love to see Gary Coleman, but I think The Rock should do it.
PH: What will be the Verbal version of R Kelly's 'Trapped in the Closet' saga?
*answers to be posted in the comments*
Thanks for playing!
Who says we're trapped?
Well, you don't have to be trapped and it doesn't even need to include a closet....I'm not sure how y'all would even go about it - pantomime?
I would do a Weird-Al-style 'Cleaning out the closet' - "and then I found my old sneakers...where did I wear them?"
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