December 16, 2005
I think the last time I saw H2O was actually at Stillborn Fest 2003, where I dragged the sisters M to a sold-out 9:30 club for 5 of the 10 bands.
This time it was a 1/2 full Ottobar and they didn't come on until 11. Fortunately I timed it perfectly so I was able to run errands, watch a bunch of South Park eps on DVD, and miss all of the opening bands. H2O hasn't released an album in 5 years, so I'm still up on all their songs. The show was just OK though - they didn't seem very energetic for some reason and they stopped playing a bunch of times to make sure stage diving morons were OK (don't jump into a hole, idiots).
Well, I'm currently tied with last year's show count - one more to go!
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