Sunday, April 26, 2009
Russian Circles
Sweet Cobra
Got into a traffic tie-up on 70 coming back from PA so I ended up taking route 40 all the way to Frederick so I had a nice scenic drive. I was worried about getting there too early but I ended up at the Ottobar just before Sweet Cobra started. Sweet Cobra was good - kinda stoner rock stuff and the singer had neck tattoos.
Next up was one-man act Lichens which was so weird - bird noises and ambient sounds and experimental stuff. I didn't even realize he was playing until someone asked when the next band was coming on and it was explained that this was it. So weird.
Russian Circles are a 3-piece instrumental band from Chicago that I've been trying to see for a while. I missed them with Coheed and also in their headlining show at the Ottobar this time last year so this was the first time I'd actually seen them. They had lots of stage fog and very minimal lighting (one light) and played for probably 45 minutes. Both the bass player and the guitarist switched instruments a few times, but I'm not really sure of the reasoning behind that - maybe they're tuned differently? Anyway, I really enjoyed it and hope to see them again in the future.
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