Friday July 27 2007
Counterfeit Disaster
Bearsville Theater, Woodstock NY
Just when I thought I would have to turn around, I happened to turn in the driveway to the Bearsville Theater. Excellent to see so many friends and acquaintances again.
This was Counterfeit Disaster's first show evah...excellent. I'm sure everyone will be seeing more of them in the future. They kind of remind me of Dredg, but CD is more interesting by far.

Don't know what I can really say about the 3 sets - it was probably one of the greatest, if not the greatest, concert I've ever been to. The first set was the entire new album and the second set was many old favorites and a Prince cover. Fucking amazing.
This post is brought to you by the letters E and Z and the number 13, which is the number of tolls paid by my new love EZPass.
2019 update: found the show on YouTube
First set: https://youtu.be/jaHeyOhOEps
Second set: https://youtu.be/UEL2RTxcYrA
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