Friday September 22 2006
The Illuminati
3 Inches of Blood
A Javelin Reign
Lee's Palace, Toronto Ontario
Saturday September 23 2006
3 Inches of Blood
The Illuminati
The Underground, Hamilton Ontario
Starting miles: 29666 (really)
Ending miles: 30910
Best gas mileage achieve: ~39 miles per gallon
Yes, this was crazy. But, it was my 29th birthday so I obviously had to do something crazy. I left DC about 10am and got to Toronto about 10pm (I stopped a couple times). I was able to borrow my friend's GPS so it was pretty easy to get to the club, even though it was dark and rainy. I parked in a lot near the club and lucked out that someone had left their $5 parking receipt in the machine (I only had $20's). I did make it inside in time to catch part of A Javelin Reign's set. At this point I don't really know how to describe them - go check out their myspace page or something. The 3IoB boys remembered me and all wished me a happy birthday before and after their set. It was awesome. Nick got a nosebleed halfway through - too metal to stop, he played the rest of the set with a paper-towel in his nose. They played a couple new songs that I hadn't heard before - 'Assassins of the Light' and 'Black Spire' - and my new favorites 'Night Marauders' and 'Goatrider's Hoarde'. Oh, and Cam doesn't like to play 'Balls of Ice' anymore because it was 'a song they wrote in 10 minutes' and they have better songs now. AND Brian did get married off (Congratulations!) and is just working now. The Illuminati I had not previously heard (of) but I really enjoyed them. Toronto natives, some of their instrumental stuff really reminds me of Verbal. They were quite rockin. One thing that was nice about clubs in Ontario is that there's no smoking inside. Friday night people were kinda testy though - a couple of dudes in the front got into some kind of argument over a beer bottle and there were some really really drunk people who ran into me numerous times because they could barely stand. There was also a guy with a pierced back-of-the-neck...

Sunday - Medieval Times is fun!
Monday - my friend made me an awesome Bear vs Shark necklace for my birthday - yay!
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